A group of Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans responsible for a blistering attack on Republican Rep. Marilyn Musgrave a month ago launched a $1.3 million campaign in swing states Wednesday, including a hard-hitting TV ad that questions John McCain’s commitment to veterans.
“Some elected officials have been friends of troops and veterans, with their votes, and others have not. We have always said that we would hold public officials accountable when they did not vote in the best interest of troops and veterans, and today we are keeping that promise,” said Jon Soltz, Iraq war veteran, and chairman of VoteVets.org.
One of the new ads, featuring Iraq war combat veteran Jason Bensley, begins a $350,000 two-week run on the air in Virginia this week. Let’s watch:
Here’s what the ad says:
Jason Bensley: When John McCain was about my age, our country paid his way through college. But when a new GI Bill came up in Congress to help today’s vets go to college, John McCain, you skipped the vote for a political fundraiser in San Diego. I used to respect you, Senator McCain, but with your seven houses and lobbyist friends, you’re just a Washington guy now. Vet to vet, Senator McCain, when you put money from your rich friends ahead of vets like me, how is that ‘Country First’?
In another ad, airing in both Spanish and English on the radio statewide in New Mexico, Iraq war veteran Romeo Rocha charges, “Time and time again, John McCain voted against more funding for veterans care.”
Listen to the English version here and the Spanish version here.
The veterans advocacy group, which claims 102,000 members nationwide, also plans a $700,000 mailing to voters in swing states, including Colorado, which “exposes votes by Senator McCain, and other public officials’ record on troops and veterans issues.”
The group attacked Republican Senate candidate Bob Schaffer for his record on the Iraq war on Colorado airwaves in August.