Greg Sargent at TPM has a first look at a mailer a labor coalition has set to unleash next week on 1.5 million swing-state households to win back blue collar Democrats who have voted Republican in recent elections.
Part of a strategy to reach so-called Reagan Democrats, the piece includes this message from a school bus driver and Vietnam veteran: “I voted for George W. Bush because he promised to change Washington. I’m not falling for the same old line from John McCain.”
The mailer is the first salvo from Working America, a group funded largely by the AFL-CIO, which has 2.5 million members in 11 states and plans more mailings and door-to-door organizing this election.
“This is a new front in the effort to reach working-class moderates on the pocketbook issues that are critical to them this election year,” Karen Nussbaum, Executive Director of Working America, tells us.
“Our members have seen their living standards decline, their communities decay and their economic security disappear,” Nussbaum continues. “Yet John McCain still thinks the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”
Here’s a look at the mailer, obtained before its release by TPM:
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