Coloradans will face a jam-packed ballot this fall, but even the seemingly simple choice of a presidential candidates will include 14 third-party options, according to The Denver Post.
Because it is relatively easy to get on Colorado’s ballot, Objectivist and Boston Tea Party candidates will join Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain, as well as perennial third-party candidate Ralph Nader, in the mix of choices for the next leader of the free world.
As the Post reports:
For a $500 filing fee and a valid list of nine electors, candidates in Colorado can apply to be on the presidential ballot with any party, regardless of the party’s size or time in existence, state officials said. For all other elections, parties have to demonstrate a minimum number of registered members or that they have consistently fielded candidates in elections, officials said.
In addition to the two major party nominees, Colorado voters will choose from the following presidential candidates, according to the Secretary of State’s official list:
Bob Barr, Libertarian Party
Cynthia McKinney, Green Party
Ralph Nader, unaffiliated
Frank McEnulty, New American Independent Party
Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party
Gene Amondson, Prohibition Party
Gloria La Riva, Socialism and Liberation Party
Charles Jay, Boston Tea Party
Jonathan E. Allen, HeartQuake Party
Alan Keyes, America’s Independent Party
Thomas Robert Stevens, Objectivist Party
Bradford Lyttle, Pacifist Party
James Harris, Socialist Workers Party
Brian Moore, Socialist USA Party