In a satirical video mocking non-union shops‘ hand-sanitizer-as-health-care plans, CEOs’ private yachts, and employee bonus packages of generic soda, advocates for The Employee Free Choice Act are trying to drive home the importance of unions in American workplaces.
Opponents of EFCA argue the act would compromise workers’ privacy and could lead to union corruption, while proponents, including Sen. Barack Obama, have argued EFCA would make the formation of unions more efficient, leveling the playing field for employees.
The bill, also known as H.R. 800, would alter the National Labor Relations Act, eliminating an employers’ option of requiring a secret ballot election to form a bargaining unit when a majority of employees have signed union cards.
In a year that pro-union and anti-union initiatives will go before Colorado voters, The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is languishing in the 110 Congress.
The AFL-CIO-backed bill has strong parallels to Colorado House Bill 1072, which would have eliminated one of two votes needed for labor organizers to form all-union workplaces and was vetoed by Gov. Bill Ritter last year, thus igniting the state’s current debate on labor issues.
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