The day after Justin Schaffer’s Facebook page was exposed as being littered with racist propaganda, officials at his college announced they are considering charging the 19-year old son of Republican Senate candidate Bob Schaffer for a violation of their Standards of Behavior. Among the items posted on Schaffer’s social networking page was an image of pyramids with the slogan “Slavery Gets Shit Done,” a picture of Barack Obama doctored to look like Osama Bin Laden, and a picture depicting Jesus holding an automatic weapon, standing in front of the Confederate battle flag, with the words “What Would Republican Jesus Do?” (WWRJD)
Another image showed a waving Obama, with the words, "High Five … Who’s Gay!"
The Facebook page was removed after an image of it appeared on the blog ColoradoPols yesterday, and the younger Schaffer subsequently issued a statement of apology.
After that, his father, who is currently on the state Board of Education and the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, told 9NEWS that "My wife and I have initiated a process of firm and severe discipline with our son."
The elder Schaffer did not specify what “firm and severe discipline” he has planned for his son.
But on Tuesday, the University of Dayton in Ohio, where Justin Schaffer majors in economics and is in the ROTC, announced that he could face charges from them ranging from a reprimand to probation, suspension or expulsion. From the report, in the Dayton Daily News:
DAYTON — University of Dayton officials said Tuesday, Aug. 5, they are considering charging student Justin Schaffer for a violation of the Standards of Behavior for posting offensive information on his Facebook page. The 19-year-old son of Republican Senate candidate Bob Schaffer of Colorado on Monday apologized for an entry that had the words "High Five … Who’s Gay" over a photo of a waving Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. It also had a picture of the Pyramids with the words "Slavery Gets (expletive) Done."
UD said the Code of Conduct standard calls for students to respect all members of the community and the community at large.
Sister Annette Schmeling, vice president of student development and dean of students, said she will have an initial conversation with Schaffer about the postings and "explore the ways his Facebook page is not showing respect."
"We are addressing it and we expect to begin the adjudication process before classes start on August 20," Schmeling said in a written statement.
Cilla Bosnak Shindell, director of media relations at UD, said potential penalties for Code of Conduct violations range from a reprimand to probation, suspension or expulsion.
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