McCain jokes again about killing Iranians; wife Cindy knows better

Republican presidential hopeful John McCain once again joked about killing Iranians this week when a reporter asked him to comment on expanding U.S. cigarette imports to the terrorist state.

"Maybe that’s a way of killing them," McCain joked before his wife, Cindy, could nudge him in the back, according to an International Herald Tribune story.

"I meant that as a joke," McCain added.

This week’s McCain crack about killing Iranians isn’t his first during the campaign.

McCain was quoted in April spoofing the Beach Boys hit song, "Barbara Ann," in a response to an audience member’s question during a town hall meeting about Iran.

"That old, eh, that old Beach Boys song, ‘Bomb Iran,’" he jokingly said at the time before singing the melody, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah…"

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