Rockies’ New Slogan

    The Rockies didn’t make any friends with their system for selling World Series tickets. And just when you thought the the internet couldn’t get any ruder …

    Like many, maybe most, Coloradans this morning, I’m trying to buy World Series tickets instead of working. But the Rockies have made it impossible to do either with their ticket purchasing process, which they jokingly call a system.

    The tickets were sold through Major League Baseball. In this morning’s Rocky Mountain News, vice president of corporate communications Matthew Gould said of the ticket sales, “Obviously, this is not a first-time thing for us.”

    “Obviously”? The guy with all that experience must have quit this morning. The only obvious thing is the ineptitude with which these sales have been handled. “Traffic is not an issue,” Gould said. Tell that to the people who signed on at ten a.m. and were still getting only the message “Please wait for the server” at noon. How about a polite, “Sorry, sold out, try again next year”?

    MLB and the Rockies knew that ticket brokers were going to hijack the process. But they did nothing to prevent it and assure that fans had a chance to get tickets at a reasonable price with only a reasonable amount of inconvenience.

    Dilbert could have come up with a better system. They could easily, for instance, have used their East Coast computer servers to run a genuine lottery, like the one for NCAA Final Four basketball tickets. Even selling the tickets to people who had the tenacity to stand in line at the box office, rather than online, would be fairer than what they`ve done.

    It’s enough to turn a person into a Red Sox fan.

    Well, maybe not quite.

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