If right-leaning blog sites are any indication, this business about unfinished business in Colorado’s 5th Congressional District suggests things may get messy indeed in a three-way primary starring Doug Lamborn, Jeff Crank, and the latest conservative Republican to join in, Bentley Rayburn.
Within days of Rayburn’s informal entrance into the 2008 race to challenge the freshman Lamborn, the accusation that the retired Air Force major general was a “carpetbagger” surfaced on the conservative blog Rossputin.com. The Colorado Index, another conservative blog, responded with sound and fury in defense of Rayburn.
The bottom line is, yes, Rayburn is new to the district (he still doesn’t own a home there). Yes, most of his campaign cash came from well outside the district when he ran for the first time last year. And yes, the Air Force Academy graduate’s Uncle Jim brought his Christian ministry Young Life to Colorado Springs more than six decades ago –
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