A Sacramento based group influential in banning affirmative action in California in 1996, in Washington State in 1998, and in Michigan in 2006, has turned its sights on Colorado in the 2008 election cycle. Yesterday, it cleared the last hurdle before review before the Colorado Supreme Court, to circulating petitions to put its measure before voters in the November 2008 election. The Colorado Title Setting Review Board rejected opponents’ claim that the measure involved more than a single subject, according to the Denver Post.
If the Colorado Supreme Court doesn’t disagree, the group will need 76,047 signatures to get the measure on the ballot, something they are likely to be able to do given their track record in getting measurs onto the ballot.The proposal to amend the state constitution would state:
The state shall not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education or public contracting.
The measure is backed by Colorado Springs Republicans State Senator Dave Schultheis and State Representative Kent Lambert.