According to the news reports coming out of Washington, Democrats in Congress and President George Bush could not be much farther apart on Iraq. Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) remains convinced, though, that there is a middle ground to be found.
Each time Salazar has spoken publicly about Iraq (see here and here), he has emphasized the need to minimize the partisan divide on Iraq.
Now he has found a Republican senator willing to join him – Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN).Salazar and Alexander have joined together as sponsors of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) Recommendations Implementation Act of 2007.
Here is what Salazar had to say about the measure:
I believe that the work of the Iraq Study Group is a model for how Congress and our Nation can come together in good faith to develop a new way forward in Iraq. Their recommendations provide a roadmap to transitioning our troops from a combat role to a support role, for how we can continue to strengthen and support our own military and for specific milestones the Government of Iraq needs to meet. At the end of the day the Iraqi people are ultimately responsible for their future; this bill that implements their recommendations ensures we have a plan to help them.
Alexander echoed Salazar, adding:
We owe it to our country and our troops to find a bipartisan consensus to support where we go from here. We need a political solution in Washington, DC, as much as we need one in Baghdad. And we need to get out of the combat business and into the support and training business as soon as we honorably can. I have spoken to Secretary Baker and Congressman Hamilton, and they have confirmed this legislation accurately reflects the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group report.
Of course, Salazar is not Senate Majority Leader, and Alexander is not President.
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