The Rocky Mountain state Democratic Parties are working towards having a regional “Super Tuesday” primary on Feb. 5, 2008. So far New Mexico, Arizona and Utah are participating and Montana, Idaho and Wyoming are working towards joining the group. Nevada will hold their presidential caucuses between Iowa and New Hampshire.But why isn’t Colorado mentioned, especially now that Denver is hosting the Democratic National Convention? From a previous Colorado Confidential report:
Back in 2003, Senate Bill 188 eliminated the February presidential primaries in Colorado because of pre-Referendum C budget woes…it saved $2.2 million in 2004, but it also eliminated Colorado’s voice in selecting future presidential candidates.
Now, Colorado has a caucus presidential selection process. For both the Democratic and Republican Parties in Colorado that means that a presidential candidate preference will not be determined until the two parties hold their state conventions, usually in May or June of a presidential election year and well after most states have held their presidential primaries or caucuses to determine the presidential candidate. In other words, Colorado political parties will have no say-so on who will be the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates in 2008 unless the legislature changes the SB 03-188 ruling in 2007.
So far, there has not been any indication that the state senate will re-instate early presidential primaries.