Campaign finance is one of the most contentious issues in politics today. Millions of dollars course through the Colorado political scene to influence voters and promote often narrow agendas.
Rep. Morgan Carroll (D-Aurora) is joining us for 30 minutes to discuss HB07-1074 which, if passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Bill Ritter, will require federally-designated 527 political committees, that expend $1,000 or more per calendar year on electioneering communications, to report contributions of $250 or more, all expenditures, and the organization’s contact information to the Colorado Secretary of State, within 48 hours of broadcast, delivery, or distribution of an electioneering communication. Rep. Bernie Buescher and Sen. Ron Tupa are co-sponsoring the bill in the House and Senate, respectively.
Rep. Carroll will answer as many questions as possible over the next 30 minutes. Please limit your questions to the issue of campaign finance and the Clean Campaign Act – HB07-1074. Additional reading on campaign finance can be found here:
Live Q&A with Rep. Morgan Carroll on Monday
Colorado Confidential’s previous coverage on 527 political committees
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