When it comes to political campaigns, it’s all about the message. So who had the best message in 2006? Take your pick from our faves or add your own in comments!
Both Ways Bob
Marc Holtzman dubbed his opponent “Both Ways Bob” and progressive Colorado bloggers seized on the moment with this priceless photo:
The Colorado Promise
Bill Ritter’s campaign pledge. Now he gets to deliver.
I’m Not Rick O’Donnell
OK, we know that wasn’t Ed Perlmutter’s slogan. But it might as well have been and he still would have won!
Landslide Lamborn
Not exactly the case in the primary, but he sure crushed Dem hopes in CD5 on Election Day.
“Give me a shot. What have you got to lose?”
Angie Paccione’s less-than-inspiring parting comment to voters at the Windsor debate.
Gay marriage “is the most important issue that we face today”
Pearls of wisdom from CD4’s Rep. Marilyn Musgrave.