The Blue Ribbon Commission For Health Care Reform, established by Senate Bill 208 in the 2006 legislative session, convened today. It has “8 members who represent consumers, 8 members who represent health insurance purchasers, and 8 members who represent experts and business leaders.” This blue ribbon commission was a centerpiece of the Governor-Elect Ritter’s plan for health care in Colorado. It is charged with presenting a final report to the state legislature by November 30, 2007, and sunsets in 2010.
The Commission’s mission is to develop a comprehensive reform proposal for health care in Colorado by examining “options for expanding affordable health coverage for all Colorado residents in both the public and private sector markets, with special attention given to the uninsured, underinsured, and those at risk of financial hardship due to medical expenses.”The Commission was one of the only commission proposals not vetoed by Governor Owens in 2006, and has strong support by a variety of constituencies, including the Colorado Medical Society, which represents Colorado’s physicians.