Gay marriage and domestic partnerships. The two phrases don’t usually invoke images of dollar signs, but if recent financial reports are any indication, groups dealing with the two issues are packing some major cash.
- Coloradans For Marriage
Coloradans For Marriage is a political group trying to define marriage as strictly heterosexual with Amendment 43. The most current Secretary of State reports show that the organization has $24,961.74 on hand, and has spent a total of $240,258.48 since the beginning of the year.
- Colorado Family Action Issue Committee
The Colorado Family Action Issue Committee was founded last June with the stated purpose of opposing domestic partnerships and supporting heterosexual marriage. According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, the committee also has ties with the evangelical group Focus On The Family.
Currently, the committee has $41,086.82, and has spent $674,919.50 since it was founded. A recent financial adjustment also shows that the group spent over $90,000 buying ads on KWGN-TV and Comcast cable.
Together Coloradans For Marriage and the Family Action Issue Committee have spent over $900,000.
- Coloradans For Fairness Issue Committee
The Coloradans For Fairness Issue Committee is on the opposite side of the debate, supporting domestic partnerships for gay couples with Referendum I, and opposing Amendment 43.
Since March of this year, the committee has spent a total of $1,142,501.05 and currently has $4,358.12 on hand.