According to the Rocky Mountain News, current Republican Attorney General of Colorado John Suthers, current Republican Governor of Colorado Bill Owens, former Democratic Party Governor of Colorado Roy Romer and Dick Lamm, and former Republican Governor of Colorado John Vanderhoof, have all joined in opposing Amendment 40, weeks seeks to dramatically shorten the terms of state judges in Colorado.
The Colorado Bar Association, Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce President Joe Blake, Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey, the League of Women Voters, the Colorado Judicial Institute and Common Cause also opposes the measure. Republican John Andrews a former President in the State Senate, and Republican legislators State Senator Tom Wiens, R-Castle Rock, State Senator Greg Brophy, R-Wray; and State Representative Ted Harvey, R-Highlands Ranch support the measure.
Amendment 40 is summed up as follows by the Rocky:
The judges are appointed by the governor, and after serving a two-year probationary period, they are up for retention at the next general election. Voters decide whether or not judges should stay.
Appellate court judges serve eight-year terms and Supreme Court Justices serve 10-year terms.
Under Amendment 40, terms would be reduced to four years for those judges and they could only serve two four-year terms, after the two-year probationary term. All of those judges would be off the bench after they have served for 10 years.
Members of Vote No 40 said that, if the measure is successful, it will likely mean that five of the current Supreme Court justices will have to leave the bench, as well as seven out of the 19 current appeals court judges.
There is a retirement age of 72 under existing Colorado law.
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