Since 2000, Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo has received $8,059 from six controversial figures, according to watchdog groups and Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports.
Yesterday, a man named Joe McCutchen was introduced, who had given Tancredo a total of $500-once in 2002 and another time in 2004.
He was found to have been involved of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a white supremacist group according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), two civil rights watch groups.From the SPLC:
[McCutchen in a later interview denied ever having been a member of the CCC. His lawyer, in a June 29 letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center, said McCutchen had “never enrolled knowingly as a member of the CCC” and, in any event, “has now distanced himself from the CCC.”]
It was also found that McCutchen had written a letter to a newspaper, accusing Jewish “Zionists” of owning the media and perpetuating war in the Middle East.
Today, this series will look at Barbara Coe, who gave Tancredo $500 in 2004, and $500 in 2005.
The SPLC alleges that Coe repeatedly refers to Mexicans as “savages”:
Coe joined other co-sponsors in an attempt to recall California’s governor, who she derides as a communist and refers to as “Gov. Gray ‘Red’ Davis.”
Today, she claims to have exposed a secret Mexican plan to take over the American Southwest; favors using the military to seal the U.S.-Mexican border; and charges that a shadowy “New World Order” is being imposed on America by “globalists.”
Coe and VCT chief Glenn Spencer stage annual Fourth of July rallies that have drawn prominent neo-Nazis. Barbara Coe’s political activities convinced the Orange County Weekly to name her in 1999 one of the “scariest” people in Orange County.
The Denver Post has also reported that Coe has said she has been involved with the CCC:
Coe said she belonged to and spoke at an event of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a group that declares on its website that it opposes “all efforts to mix the races of mankind (and) to promote non-white races over the European-American people.” It sells T-shirts that say: “White pride. Save our Culture.”
Next: Roger Barnett and $1000 to Tancredo.