New Romanoff ad plays on back-to-school mood

Ad alert! The Democratic candidate in the Colorado’s 6th Congressional District, Andrew Romanoff released his second television spot this week. The ad, “Library,” features Romanoff with oh-so-casually rolled sleeves walking through the hallways of a generic school talking about the importance of affordable higher ed.

“Instead of giving tax breaks to millionaires and oil companies, I’ll fight to expand Pell grants and student loans with interest rates that middle class families can actually afford,” he narrates over b-roll of himself talking with some smiling women.

Before his legislative career, Romanoff was an educator; he taught in rural high schools in Central America and then at the Community College of Aurora.

The ad strikes an overall positive tone, though a press release accompanying the ad’s debut doesn’t hold back from making a dig at Romanoff’s opponent, incumbent Republican Mike Coffman. The release explicated what’s implicit in the ad: Rep. Coffman voted for a Republican budget that would have provided “yet another round of tax breaks for those at the top — while forcing students to pay at least $3,800 more in accrued interest.”

This is Romanoff’s second TV spot, which is two more than Coffman’s zero so far in this air-tight race. Coffman did, however, post a video from their Aug. 4 debate showing Romanoff talking about his support for an unsuccessful ballot measure in 2005 that would have allowed the state to borrow $2.1 billion for highway, transportation and other projects. That plan contradicts Romanoff’s professed support for a balanced budget amendment, Coffman leveled.

Romanoff touted his dedication to balancing the budget in his first TV ad, “Mountain.”

Keep your eyes peeled for more ads to come, though, to be honest, they’ll be hard to miss if you plan on ever watching TV or going on the internet in the next two months.