Colorado swing voters swayed by Obama health-reform speech

Polling firms Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and Democracy Corps teamed up to “dial test” a group of Colorado swing voters during the President’s health-reform address last night. Roughly half of the people polled voted in November for Obama and half for McCain. The results of the poll suggest the President accomplished pretty much what he set out to accomplish with his critical health-reform speech.

The poll results (pdf) see the president’s favorability rating swing up 18 points and his general approval rating rise by 16 points.

Support for the health-care reform plan being developed in Washington skyrocketed; it was flat before the speech and up 36 points by the end of the speech.

The swing voters were also asked to consider whether they were more likely to vote for their members of Congress if they supported or opposed the bill. There was an 8 point rise in support for those members of Congress who would support the bill. There was a 12 point loss of support for those members of Congress who would vote against the bill.

The focus group included 2 self-identifying strong Democrats, 28 lean Democrats, 44 Independents, 24 lean Republicans and 2 strong Republicans.

Of those, 24 identified themselves as conservatives and 16 as liberals.

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