Pink viagra
FDA approves “pink Viagra.” Is it a big advance for women’s sexual health, as some suggest, or just a big advance for a pharmaceutical’s bottom line? In other words, does Addiya even the score? Via The New York Times.
Second opinions
Time magazine interviews a list of doctors on the new drug. Let’s just say that not all of them approve.
Poor planning
Ruth Marcus says that pretty much everything underlying Trump’s immigration plan is wrong. You could look it up. Via The Washington Post.
Wiped up
Hillary Clinton goes round and round with reporters about the infamous email server. Asked whether it was wiped, Clinton finally quipped, “What, like with a cloth or something?” before adding, “I don’t know how it works at all.” Via The National Journal.
Walker, Rubio introduce their health-reform plans to replace Obamacare. What we learn mostly is how hard replacing it would be. Walkercare would be good for the older, not so good for the poorer. Rubiocare is still being sketched out. Via The New York Times.
Contempt of court
How can a Kentucky county clerk defy the Supreme Court in refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples? Via The Los Angeles Times.
Boycott explained
Vox has the explainer on the Matisyahu Israel boycott controversy.
Rising temperatures
The wildfire crisis is only getting worse. Firefighters from 50 states, also Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, are in the battle. Via The Atlantic.
Photo credit: SC Fiasco, Creative Commons, Flickr.